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EPC starts GaN user community


Talk Support Forum provides a place for engineers to receive support, ask questions, and share ideas

EPC has announced the debut of a user community, the 'GaN Talk Support Forum' as an environment for engineers to access product and design support and share ideas on the use of GaN based power technology.

The forum was developed for engineers, engineering students, and all GaN enthusiasts and provides an opportunity for users to submit GaN-related questions and share ideas with the user community. Questions can be searched by topic category, top topics, or latest posts. Beyond submitting questions, users can share past questions and answers from within the forum via a ‘share’ link in the post.

In addition to the new GaN Talk Support Forum, engineers also have access to the GaN Power Bench, a suite of design tools to assist engineers in getting the optimal performance from their GaN-based designs.

Tools in the GaN Power Bench include the GaN FET Selection Tool for Buck Converters Calculator, an enhanced product selection tool that uses estimation and calculation for a hard-switched buck converter. The GaN FET Thermal Calculator provides quick estimates for the thermal performance parameters of PCB-mounted GaN devices subject to both board-side cooling through forced convection and backside cooling through a thermal solution consisting of a heat spreader and heatsink. The Cross Reference Search provides instant access to cross reference and replace silicon-based power management devices with eGaN FETs.

“We are thrilled to launch the GaN Talk Support Forum as an additional resource for our user community,” said Andrea Gorgerino, EPC’s director of Global Field Application Engineering. “The combination of forums and online support tools helps our users learn more about GaN products and get application support from each other and from our team of GaN Experts to make it easier for designers to extract the optimal performance out of their GaN-based designs.”

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