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NexGen to Show LED Power Modules at Lightfair 2022


Vertical GaN technology promises more lumens in less space

NexGen Power Systems, a company making power conversion systems based on Vertical GaN technology, will show its next-generation lighting solutions and products - NexGen Helios LED power modules - at Lightfair 2022 (June 19 to 23) in Las Vegas.

The company says its Helios LED Power Modules deliver two times higher power density than comparable industry solutions, providing more lumens in smaller form factors. NexGen's Co-CEO Dinesh Ramanathan will deliver a presentation titled 'Unlock the Full Potential of Tomorrow's Lighting Systems with NexGen Vertical GaN' on Wednesday, 22 June.

"We are thrilled to present NexGen's disruptive lighting systems that combine power optimisation and higher performance at Lightfair 2022," said Ramanathan. "Our LED lighting systems are based on our patented NexGen Vertical GaN power technology that will establish the benchmark for tomorrow's lighting solutions."

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