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Transphorm GaN chips exceed 125B field hours


Company achieves sub 0.2 FIT rates across the power range

GaN company Transphorm says it has exceeded 125 billion field operating hours for its high reliability GaN semiconductor products.

“This milestone demonstrates our industry-leading reliability for both low-power and high-power applications of our GaN power solutions,” commented Transphorm president, COO, and co-founder, Primit Parikh.

He added: “The past year proved to be a critical step in positioning the company to reach this operating goal. From a business growth standpoint, exceeding 125 billion operating hours with very low sub 0.2 FIT rates across the power range coupled with high performance of our patented solutions, further supports our confidence for growth from our fast-growing $500 million+ long term pipeline.”

Transphorm's SuperGaN range covers voltage ratings of 650 Volts, 900 Volts, and 1,200 Volts (under development). The platform is based on patented GaN technology and an IP portfolio of over 350 directly owned and more than 1000 overall fundamental materials through applications patents, according to the company.

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