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GaN Systems to show on board charger design at PCIM


GaN-based 11kW/800V OBC offers 36 percent higher power density compared to SiC transistor designs

GaN Systems will exhibit a new GaN-based 11kW/800V On-Board Charger (OBC) reference design at PCIM Europe 2023 May 9-11, in Nuremberg, Germany).

According to the company, using GaN transistors in an 800V OBC is an innovation that changes the game for EV automotive design.

Features of the OBC design include: 36 percent higher power density compared to SiC transistor designs; 15 percent lower Bill of Materials (BOM) cost compared to SiC transistor designs; AC/DC stage peak efficiency>99 percent, DC/DC stage peak efficiency>98.5 percent; reduced total semiconductor power loss; and improved thermal performance.

The OBC combines a three-level flying capacitor topology for a bridgeless totem-pole PFC structure and dual active bridge in the AC/DC and DC/DC, respectively. The GaN transistors reduce the transistor voltage stress to half, allowing the 650V GaN to be used in this and other 800V applications.

Jim Witham, CEO of GaN Systems said: "The GaN-powered 800V on-board charger reference design is a major advance to accelerate GaN adoption in the automotive sector. Our new cutting-edge design delivers extraordinary gains in efficiency, power density, cost, thermals, and CO2 footprint reduction to deliver a game-changing solution for our automotive customers."

At PCIM, the company will also be showing; fast-charging GaN chargers and adapters from OEMs such as Samsung, Dell, Harman, Philips, and Razer; innovations in e-mobility, LED lighting, and wireless power transfer; and data centre power supplies moving from less than 50W/in3 to reaching 100W/in3.

CEO Jim Witham will also participate on Bodo's Power Systems' panel, ''Wide Bandgap Design with GaN HEMT and Vertical GaN.'

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