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News Article

Kopin Announces Q3 1999 Financial Results



 Oct. 2, 1999 (Unaudited)

 Dec. 31, 1998




Current assets:



Cash and marketable securities

 $ 27,569,006

 $ 36,808,218

Accounts receivable, net






Prepaid expenses and other current assets






Total current assets






Equipment and improvements, net



Other assets



Intangible assets






Total assets

 $ 68,541,979

 $ 61,905,621







Current liabilities:



Accounts payable and accrued expenses

 $ 8,199,328

 $ 3,184,236

Current portion of long-term obligations






Total current liabilities






 Long-term obligations, less current portion



Minority interest



Stockholders equity






Total liabilities and stockholders equity

 $ 68,541,979

 $ 61,905,621

CyberDisplay and Wafer-Engineered are trademarks of Kopin Corporation.

Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made under safe harbor provisions ofthe Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertaintiesld materially affect future results.  Among these risk factors are general economic and businessconditions and growth in the flat panel display and gallium arsenide integrated circuit and materialsindustries, the impact of competitive products and pricing, availability of third-party components,availability of integrated circuit fabrication facilities, cost and yields associated with production of theCompany s CyberDisplay imaging devices and Wafer-Engineered transistor wafers, loss of significantcustomers, acceptance of the Company s products, continuation of strategic relationships, Year 2000matters, and the other risk factors and cautionary statements listed from time to time in the Company speriodic reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission,including but not limited to, the Company s prospectus dated September 20, 1999 and its AnnualReport on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998.

Kopin Corporation
Richard Sneider,
Chief Financial Officer
Sharon Merrill Associates, Inc
Scott Solomon

Kopin Corporation
Richard Sneider,
Chief Financial Officer
Sharon Merrill Associates, Inc
Scott Solomon
E-mail: ssolomon@sharonmerrillassoc.com

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