News Article

Seoul Semiconductor announces 220 lm/W WICOP LED

Package-less mass produced LED exceeds standard brightness

Seoul Semiconductor has developed a WICOP package-less LED product offering 220 lm/W, claimed to be 25 percent brighter than conventional LEDs.

According to Seoul, the new product proves that an LED made of only a chip and phosphor (there is no other packaging such as frames and gold wires) can achieve higher luminous efficiency than packaged, conventional high power devices.

The company says that the WICOP LED is also over 17 percent more luminously efficient than CSP (Chip Scale Package), which is similar in appearance.

Seoul Semiconductor has supplied WICOP to both IT and automobile manufacturers since 2012. In 2015, it launched two models of WICOP lighting products.

The LED, which it is now in mass production, is expected to be widely used lighting, automobile, and TV applications

Ki-bum Nam, CTO of Seoul Semiconductor, said: "The WICOP products which have been independently developed by Seoul Semiconductor would render the currently increasing investment in the packaging industry unnecessary, and will become the standard for next generation LEDs as it is an innovative product that reflects a new wind of change in the LED market.".

He added: "We will continue to develop various solutions related to WICOP for customers in addition to developing new WICOP products with a luminous efficiency of over 220 lm/W by 2020, thereby opening the door to a new LED period."

Strategies Unlimited, a market survey company, showed that in 2015, the importance of super high power LED products with a high luminous efficiency such as WICOP, took up 20 percent of the total LED market, and by 2020, it is expected to reach more than 30 percent.

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