News Article

Vishay releases 890nm IR emitting diode

Offers high radiant intensity and fast switching

Vishay Intertechnology has introduced a new 890 nm high speed infrared (IR) emitting diode in a clear, untinted leaded plastic package.

Based on surface emitter technology, the TSHF5211 is said to combine an excellent -1.0 mV/K temperature coefficient of VF with higher radiant intensity and faster rise and fall times than previous-generation devices.

The emitter diode offers high typical radiant intensity of 235 mW/sr at a 100 mA drive current, which is 50 percent higher than previous-generation solutions.

With fast switching times of 15 ns, low typical forward voltage of 1.5 V, and a narrow ± 10° angle of half intensity, the device will serve as a high intensity emitter for smoke detectors and industrial sensors. In these applications, the TSHF5211 offers good spectral matching with silicon photodetectors.

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