News Article

Integra to Show latest GaN-on-SiC Transistor at EuMW

High power C-band transistor offers a minimum of 25W output power at 36V of drain bias

Integra Technologies a US developer of RF and microwave transistors and amplifiers will show its newly released high power GaN-on-SiC transistor IGT5259CW25 at this year's European Microwave Week (EuMW), September 25th to 27th in Madrid, Spain.

Offering frequency coverage of 5.2 to 5.9 GHz, this device is suited to C-band CW radar applications. This transistor is fully-matched to 50-ohms, and offers a minimum of 25W of output power at 36V of drain bias.

Negative gate voltage and bias sequencing are required when utilizing this transistor. This device comes in Integra's new package PL44C2. Assembled via chip and wire technology, using gold metallization, this unit is housed in a metal-based package and sealed with a ceramic-epoxy lid.

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