News Article

GaN Systems to show latest tech at CES 2020


Smaller, lighter, and more efficient power electronics are driving consumer technology

At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas (January 7th to 10th 2020), GaN Systems will be showing its most recent GaN-based technology innovations addressing smaller size, higher functionality, autonomy and cost savings.

Looking forward in 2020 and beyond, the need for portability, autonomy and energy efficiency is increasing at a rapid pace. GaN has become an important building block for power electronics – solving design challenges, driving robust growth and innovation with products that are 4X smaller, 4X lighter, and exhibit 4X less energy loss, and enabling companies to establish and maintain leadership positions in their industries.

At CES 2020, the company will be demonstrating the latest designs in power supply, portable adapter, audio amplifier, wireless power, automotive solutions and more.

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