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EPC announces suite of GaN tools


GaN Power Bench aims to assist engineers in getting optimal performance from GaN-based designs

EPC has announced the GaN Power Bench suite of design tools to assist engineers in getting optimal performance from their GaN-based designs.

The suite includes a GaN FET Selection Tool for Buck Converters Calculator, a GaN FET Thermal Calculator, and a Cross Reference Search tool.

The GaN FET Selection Tool for Buck Converters Calculator is a product selection tool that uses estimation and calculation for a hard-switched buck converted. Designers can input specific design parameters to receive a selection of devices ranked by power dissipation to determine possible parameter tradeoffs. The objective of this selection tool is to help find the best GaN FETs to fit specific power system design needs. Additional topologies will be added in the future.

The GaN FET Thermal Calculator is designed to provide quick estimates for the thermal performance parameters of PCB-mounted GaN devices subject to both board-side cooling through forced convection and backside cooling through a thermal solution consisting of a heat spreader and heatsink. This thermal calculator accounts for the PCB construction (size, stack-up, and via density), die sizes, power losses, TIM materials, and heatsink solution.

The Cross Reference Search provides access to cross-referenced and replacements for many silicon-based power management devices with eGaN FETs. This tool is said to allow for easy comparison of parametric differences without opening a single datasheet to identify the optimal eGaN FET to increase design efficiency. Simply enter a competitor's part number to find a suggested GaN device replacement.

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