Who is playing the power GaN game?

In its new comparison report, GaN Power Transistor Comparison 2022, Yole SystemPlus presents an overview of state-of-the-art GaN power devices to highlight differences in design and manufacturing processes and their impact on device size and production cost. This report analyzes 34 devices from 12 of the leading suppliers. Yole SystemPlus’s comparison report also includes estimated manufacturing costs of the analyzed GaN devices and their selling prices. Also provided are physical, technological, and manufacturing cost comparisons between the devices.
Recent market reports have shown the continued growth of the GaN power device market, as well as the adoption of these devices in various applications ranging from consumer electronics to automotive applications. The GaN power market is expected to reach US$2 billion in 2027.
Since their first commercialization in 2010, the performance and added value of GaN devices have been gradually proven, and prices have become increasingly acceptable to end-users. New major players like STMicroelectronics are entering the market, and there is increased adoption of monolithic power GaN IC s in various mobile charges with a power rating up to 130 W at affordable prices.
However, GaN devices still have some technical and commercial challenges. Technically, improvements are required in manufacturing yield and electrical performance. Commercially, there is a need for large-volume market adoption driven by targeted applications (for instance, automotive) to reduce further the cost of GaN devices and favor GaN adoption on a large commercial scale.