News Article

Key Conference program updated

Concentrating solar power companies SolFocus and Isofoton are added to the Key Conference agenda, along with III-V powerhouse RF Micro Devices.

The updated agenda for the Key Conference, taking place in Key West, Florida, from 2-4 March 2008, now features some of the biggest names in the III-V industry, coupled with a strong focus on the fast-growing photovoltaics market.

New additions to the technical program include RF Micro Devices, as well as Isofoton and SolFocus - two companies that are spearheading the market introduction of concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) systems based on III-V technology.

Isofoton will be represented by Vicente Diaz, who manages the Spanish company's CPV business unit, while Hing Chan will present on behalf of US-based SolFocus. Chan is director of engineering at SolFocus, and is currently working on next-generation CPV products.

Chan and Diaz join a strong line-up of speakers in the session on "clean energy technologies", which also includes technology leader Sarah Kurtz from the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Martha Symko-Davies from Solar America Initiative, and Gang Chen from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Other new additions include Peter Zeitzoff from Freescale, who will update delegates on the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors and, in particular, the planned role of III-V materials within it.

Zeitzoff rounds off the opening session, where the focus will be on the prospects for III-V integration in silicon logic. The two companies really pushing this approach are Intel and IBM, and both are represented at the Key Conference. Michael Mayberry will outline the strategic thinking behind Intel s approach, while Ghavam Shahidi speaks on behalf of IBM. MIT s Eugene Fitzgerald, acknowledged as one of the key technology leaders in the field, will provide additional technical commentary and details of recent progress.

The Key Conference also features a special session on compound semiconductor market dynamics. Speakers include Strategy Analytics Asif Anwar, one of the industry s most respected and quoted analysts, as well as semiconductor investment specialists from some of Wall Street s leading banks and venture capitalists.

And that s not all. Technology pioneers Len Bosack, who co-founded fiber-optics giant Cisco Systems, and Shuji Nakamura are just two of the heavyweight speakers in the program.

• View the full, updated agenda and speaker biographies now here, and register for the event here. The registration fee is discounted for CS.net members.

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