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Invelux Follows the Crowd with Order for Veeco K-series Tools

Veeco’s K-series Gallium Nitride (GaN) MOCVD systems will support Invenlux's production ramp at Its China LED factory

Veeco Instruments has announced that it has shipped multiple TurboDisc K-Series GaN Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) systems to Invenlux Corporation to ramp capacity at its factory in Haiyan City, China.

Invenlux is a U.S.-based light emitting diode manufacturer whose proprietary technology produces LED epi wafers and chips.

" Invenlux has a history of producing reliable and efficient blue and green LEDs for LCD backlighting, traffic lights, full color displays, and general illumination," commented Chris Yan, CEO of Invenlux. "We continue to select Veeco as our supplier of choice for our LED capacity ramp because we believe their MOCVD tools provide a proven advantage in productivity, and a lower cost of ownership when compared to competitive systems."

Bill Miller,, Senior VP, General Manager of Veeco's MOCVD Operations, commented, "We are pleased to be Invenlux's chosen MOCVD supplier as they expand production of LEDs, and look forward to supporting their growth strategy."

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