News Article

Count On Tools Unite With LED Chip Manufacturers

The firm will selectively pick fragile components & deduce accurate placement on circuit boards using the experience of major LED manufacturers. The firm is also introducing its LED nozzle series available for all types of SMT pick-and-place equipment & tooling.

Count On Tools, a provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, has announced the expansion of its LED nozzle series. By working closely with the LED component manufacturers, Count On Tools guarantees secure picking of all fragile components and accurate placement on circuit boards. Count On Tools’ LED nozzle series is available for all types of SMT pick-and-place equipment and tooling.

Recent growth in LED technology and solid state lighting has provided the electronics manufacturing industry with viable solutions for today’s electronics devices. As a result, companies in the surface mount technology (SMT) industry are expanding their manufacturing capabilities to meet this demand.

The range of new and potential applications for LEDs in electronics is practically endless. Count On Tools has realized this trend and worked to develop a line of nozzle designs that will allow customers to accurately and consistently place LEDs with its existing SMT pick-and-place equipment. Through cooperation with its customers, Count On Tools has expanded its current offering of custom LED nozzles for the following LED component suppliers.

• American Opto                              • Cree                                                   • Edison Opto

• Lumileds (Philips),                        • Luminus (PhlatLight)                     • Luxion (Rebel)

• Nichia                                               • Osram Opto                                     • Sharp

• Seoul Semiconductor (P4)          • Vishay

According to Curt Couch, President of Count On Tools, “Count On Tools understands that in order for our customers to remain competitive in today’s market, they must be able to cut costs while simultaneously maximizing the capabilities of their SMT assembly equipment to prevent costly investments in new equipment or increased labor from hand placements of odd-form components. This line of custom LED nozzles allows us to help customers achieve better placement with odd-form components in their machines while saving them money.”

Count On Tools is a precision component manufacturer specializing in all aspects of the machining industry and claims it has been setting new performance standards in the SMT pick-and-place nozzle market since 1991.
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