News Article

Global semiconductor sales escalate

A new report says silicon manufacturer Broadcom and compound semiconductor supplier TriQuint are good examples that illustrate that the semiconductor industry is bouncing back

The semiconductor stock market has not done too badly this year, thanks to the growing demand for  tablets and smartphones.

The mobile market relies on both silicon and compound semiconductor devices although silicon dominates in many of these areas.

According to ParagonReport.com, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) recently reported worldwide semiconductor sales showed growth across all regions.

The organisation reported that for March 2012, worldwide sales of semiconductors totalled $23.3 billion, a 1.5 percent increase over the previous month. Sales in Europe and Japan grew 3.8 percent and 1.2 percent respectively.

"We are encouraged to see that sequential growth resumed across all regions, especially in Europe and Japan, in March," says Brian Toohey, president, Semiconductor Industry Association. "We look for seasonal moderate growth to continue in the second quarter and build momentum as 2012 progresses. However, while forecasts for global economic growth are improving, macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainties remain."
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