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Packaged LEDs in SSL general lighting to hit 4.6 billion units in 2012

The global consumption value of component-level LEDs in SSL general lighting applications will increase at 37% per year from 2011-2016. Between 2016-2021, the annual average growth rate will be even higher, at 51%

Only 10% of the LEDs used in General Lighting were attributed to Interior lamps in 2011. However, by 2021 the relative market share of LEDs in Interior lighting is forecast to reach 39%.

This is according to ElectroniCast Consultants' report, "LEDs Used in General Lighting : Global Market Forecast and Analysis (2011-2021)." The consultant firm also says the worldwide volume of packaged LEDs in solid-state lighting (SSL) general lighting will reach nearly 4.6 billion units in 2012.

The global consumption value of component-level (packaged) LEDs in SSL general lighting applications will increase at 37 percent per year (2011-2016). What's more, there should be faster overall growth in the second-half of the forecast period (2016-2021), with an overall annual average growth rate of 51 percent.

LEDs used in Solid State Lighting (SSL) General Lighting Global Market Forecast (Value Basis, $Million)

The use of packaged LEDs in residential, commercial and government exterior general lighting lamps (street, parking-lot, roadway-tunnels, bridges, landscaping, pool/fountain, buildings, architectural and other general lighting) applications, in 2011, represented nearly 90 percent share of worldwide consumption.

However, ElectroniCast predicts that in the year 2021, the relative market share of component-level LED use in exterior lamps is forecast to decrease significantly to 61 percent. Having said that, a substantial increase in value is anticipated.
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