News Article

Rubicon allowed fabrication patent

Latest US patent granted for in-situ crystal orientation

US-based sapphire substrate developer, Rubicon Technology, reveals the US Patent and Trademark Office has allowed its patent application entitled, “Intelligent Machines and Process for Production of Monocrystalline Products with Goniometer Continual Feedback.” The patent covers Rubicon’s equipment and process developed to perform in-situ orientation of its sapphire crystals within the various fabrication tools used by the company. As the company explains, manufacturers have different requirements for the crystal planar orientation of the sapphire products used in various applications. However, the new patented orientation technology provides greater precision in sapphire planar orientation and eliminates time-consuming steps by performing the orientation at the fabrication tool. “Rubicon is known by many for its expertise in crystal growth technology, but our technological leadership extends from raw material through finished sapphire wafers,” said Raja Parvez, president and chief executive of Rubicon Technology. “This patent reflects one of many technological innovations we’ve put in place to meet our customers’ exacting and evolving requirements."

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