News Article

Polish University orders another Aixtron tool for III-V solar research

Technological centre TECHNOPOLIS is to develop high-efficiency multi-junction gallium arsenide based solar cells

The University of Wroclaw in Poland has successfully started-up a 3 x 2-inch Aixtron Close Coupled Showerhead (CCS) MOCVD reactor to create optoelectronic devices.

The tool will be mainly used to create high efficiency multi-junction solar cells, based on GaAs related materials.

Marek Tlaczala comments, “We decided to purchase the Aixtron system based on our good experience with the performance of our existing CCS 3 x 2-inch gallium nitride tool in the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics. The new Showerhead reactor is destined for the University’s Interuniversity Didactic-Technological Centre ‘TECHNOPOLIS’ in Wroclaw.”

Frank Schulte, Vice President of Aixtron Europe, adds, “The Close Coupled Showerhead (CCS) concept is recognized as a robust route to uniformity and scalability. We are very pleased that the University of Wroclaw has chosen our system for its most advanced centre TECHNOPOLIS and are looking forward to continue our close collaboration with our customer’s excellent technical team.”

The centre is co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Infrastructure and Environmental Programme and Poland’s national budget.

Doctoral and masters students will be trained in the centre to participate in strategic economic activities such as automatics and robotics, electronics and telecommunications, computer science and teleinformatics.

TECHNOPOLIS is an investment endeavour whose purpose is to establish fundamentals for the development of educational infrastructure enabling highest quality education, necessary for the creation of knowledge society and encouraging economic growth in the region concerned.

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