News Article

IQE and collaborators to present III-V high speed low voltage technology

The InGaAs/GaAsSb FET technology shows a potential use in high performance devices that operate with a very low power consumption and voltages to enable the 'Internet of Things'

IQE, Pennsylvania State University and NIST will present a joint paper on recent key developments in compound semiconductor device technologies for high speed and low voltage/low power applications at the International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM).

The IEDM will be held in Washington, DC from 9th to 11th December.

The paper to be presented is titled, "Demonstration of InGaAs/GaAsSb Near Broken-gap Tunnel FET with Ion=740µA/µm, GM=700µS/µm and Gigahertz Switching Performance at VDS=0.5V".

The IEDM conference addresses key topics affecting future semiconductor technologies and is attended by a global audience including representatives from major chip producers worldwide.

The presentation will report on research leading to the demonstration of near broken-gap tunnel field effect transistors (NBTFETs) with a 200nm channel length that exhibited record drive current (ION) of 740µA/µm, intrinsic RF transconductance (GM) of 700µS/µm and a cut-off frequency (FT) of 19GHz at a source-drain voltage (VDS) of 0.5V.

The work demonstrates the potential use of InGaAs/GaAsSb based FET technology to produce high performance devices that operate at very low voltages. They offer the low power consumption and high efficiencies needed for the next generation of electronics and communications devices with the ability to operate in highly energy constrained environments. The technology can be used in a wide range of applications that will enable the 'Internet of Things'.



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