News Article

Lake Shore develops characterisation tool for THz materials

The new system would be suited to researchers studying emerging materials for high-speed computing, spin-based computing and thin-film III-V semiconductor applications
Lake Shore’s new 8500 Series THz system is a fully integrated hardware/software platform for the characterisation of electronic, magnetic and chemical materials.

8500 Series THz System for Materials Characterisation

Many tetrahertz (THz) materials are based on III-V materials and incorporate GaAs.

The system uses non-contact THz-frequency energy and an integrated low-temperature, high-field cryostat to measure material spectroscopic responses across a wide range of frequencies, temperatures and field strengths.

As the first affordable, integrated solution specifically tailored for characterisation of research-scale electronic and magnetic materials, the system should be of interest to researchers studying emerging materials for high-speed computing, organic electronic, spin-based computing and thin-film semiconductor applications.

The system performs continuous wave spectroscopic response measurements to derive key material properties such as dielectric constant, dynamic conductivity, carrier scattering times and mobilities, vibrational resonances, and magnetic resonances.

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