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Toshiba lab develops InGaN-based red LED

First nitride-based red LED with the light output exceeding 1mW at 20 mA

Scientists at Toshiba's Research and Development Centre, Kawasaki, Japan have demonstrated the first nitride-based red LED with light output power exceeding 1mW at 20mA. Their findings were reported in the journal Applied Physics Express.

The InGaN-based red LED was grown on a c-plane sapphire substrate. Blue emission due to phase separation was successfully reduced in the red LED using an active layer consisting of 4-period InGaN multiple quantum wells embedding an AlGaN interlayer. Al content was 90percent on each quantum well.

The light output power and external quantum efficiency at a dc current of 20mA were 1.1 mW and 2.9 percent with the wavelength of 629nm, respectively.

'Development of InGaN-based red LED grown on (0001) polar surface' by Jong-Il Hwang etc al is published in Appl. Phys. Express 7 071003. doi:10.7567/APEX.7.071003.

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