News Article

MwT GaAs MMICs suit Epoxy and Eutectic die Attachment

MicroWave Technology(MwT), a division of IXYS, is offering a family of GaAs MMIC products that are fully compatible with both epoxy and AuSn eutectic alloy die attachment methods.

Many of the GaAs based MMIC products on the market can only use epoxy for die attachment process while certain commercial, military, and high reliability/space applications will demand eutectic die attachment process instead of epoxy process.

The eutectic die attach process provides improved electrical performance and thermal dissipation, which enhances long-term reliability of the MMIC parts under operation.

MwT has recently converted its key MMIC products to have the compatibility of both eutectic and epoxy die attachment processes. In this technology, a special non-wet metal layer is placed to the backside via holes regions to prevent the melted AnSn eutectic alloy from penetrating through the backside via holes, causing the damages for the features/circuitries on the front side of the MMIC chip during the die attachment process.

"This unique technology feature will allow our customers to utilise our high performance GaAs based MMIC products for applications that demand robustness and stringent long term reliability," stated Greg Zhou, general manager of Microwave Technology. 

"We have already had several key MMIC products with the eutectic die attachment compatibility designed into various sockets and have begun receiving the production orders for these MMIC products."

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