News Article

Epistar settles Adamax Patent Lawsuit

Adamax to pay ongoing royalties based on its sales of products for Epistar patents-in-suit

Taiwanese LED firm Epistar has agreed to settle its patent litigation against US distributor Adamax , which markets its products under its Newhouse Lighting brand .

The original complaint, filed on August 30, 2016 in the US District Court for the Northern District of California, is that the filament bulbs Adamax markets under its Newhouse Lighting brand infringe six of Epistar's LED filament patents.

The six patents cited are 6346771 'High Power LED Lamp', 7489,068 'Light Emitting Device', 7560738  'Light-Emitting Diode Array Having An Adhesive Layer', 8240881  'Light-Emitting Device Package',  8791467 'Light Emitting Diode And Method Of Making The Same', and 9065022 'Light-Emitting Apparatus'.

Under the terms of the settlement, Epistar will release Adamax for the past sales of its LED filament products under the patents-in-suit. In addition, Adamax will pay ongoing royalties based on its sales of products for Epistar patents-in-suit.

This settlement protects Epistar's investment in the research and development of advanced LED technologies at the core of its business.

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