News Article

RF Compound Semiconductor Revenue Will Grow to $11b by 2021


InP, GaN and SiGe devices will be the drivers for growth, says Strategy Analytics

Strategy Analytics Advanced Semiconductor Applications (ASA) service report, 'RF Compound Semiconductor Forecast and Outlook: 2016 - 2021' indicates that while RF compound semiconductor revenue will grow to slightly more than $11 billion in 2021, GaAs devices will not be the driver for this revenue growth.

Wireless applications have been the primary driver for GaAs device revenue growth, but this segment of the RF market will stagnate. Instead, revenue growth will come from strong adoption of InP, GaN and SiGe.

Eric Higham, service director, Advanced Semiconductor Applications service commented: "GaAs will remain the dominant RF technology, but device revenue will flatten in this application." He added: "A slowdown in the wireless segment will open the door for the other RF compound semiconductor device technologies and additional market segments to really propel revenue growth."

Asif Anwar, service director, Advanced Defense Systems service added: "The aerospace and defence market will be one of the bright spots for GaAs device revenue." He went on to say, "the increasing usage of GaAs and GaN devices in this segment will result in strong growth for RF compound semiconductor revenue."
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