News Article

Mellanox introduces new silicon photonics optical engine product line


Mellanox Technologies introduces new line of 100 Gb/s silicon photonics components to serve growing demand of hyperscale Web 2.0 and cloud optical interconnects

The supplier of high-performance, end-to-end smart interconnect solutions for data centre servers and storage systems launches the new 100 Gb/s silicon photonics components product line with the aim of providing module makers with access to a fully qualified portfolio of silicon photonics components and optical engine subassemblies.

"Our customers can now achieve significant time to market advantages for embedded modules and transceivers by using fully-qualified, and cost-effective silicon photonics component and chip sets," said Amir Prescher, senior vice president of business development and general manager of the interconnect business at Mellanox. "PSM4 represents the highest volume, most cost effective and flexible building blocks for 100Gb/s for single mode fibre transceivers for data centre applications. End customers benefit by having more supplier options and Mellanox benefits by scaling our high-volume silicon photonics products."

Specifically, Mellanox has announced the immediate availability of a variety of components below, which are deemed ready for use in low-cost, electronics-style packaging, and to produce both a low-risk and a quick time to market advantage.

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