News Article

Mellanox doubles silicon photonics ethernet transceiver speeds to 200 Gb/s


200 Gb/s DR4 and VCSEL-based SR4 transceivers target next generation cloud and web 2.0 hyperscale data centres

Mellanox has introduced a new line of 200 Gb/s silicon photonics and VCSEL-based transceivers in the same QSFP28 package as today's 100Gb/s products. These new transceivers double the bandwidth for hyperscale Web 2.0 and cloud 100 Gb/s networks. Mellanox is also introducing 200 Gb/s Active Optical Cables (AOCs) and Direct Attach Copper Cables (DACs), including breakout cables, to allow for end-to-end 200Gb/s Ethernet networks.

"Our hyperscale customers can double their bandwidth and scale to 200G while using their existing installed fibre and without changing to a new form factor," said Amir Prescher, Senior Vice President of Business Development and General Manager of the interconnect business, Mellanox Technologies. "There is no need to wait for a new 400G form factor. Using the same QSFP package as 100G, Mellanox's 200Gb/s products provide better ROI and compelling cost advantages today."

The next generation of switches and servers will run at 50G per lane interfaces. These transceivers and DACs support the new IEEE 200GAUI electrical standard, using 25GBaud PAM4 signaling, literally doubling the lane speed.

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