News Article

EPIC, IAESI collaborate for photonics advancement


The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) and the Israel Association of Electronics & Software Industries (IAESI) have signed a memorandum of understanding to advance mutually advantageous activities in the field of photonics.

The partnership will encourage direct contact and cooperation between the consortiums and its members with the exchange of information and contacts, collaborative research projects, delegation visits, trade missions and business events.

The signing of the agreement took place in conjunction with the EPIC delegation's mission to Israel where members met with 40 Israeli companies.

IAESI consists of about 300 Israeli companies in the fields of electronics, telecommunications, semiconductors, medical devices, IT and software. EPIC's 300 members are involved in the photonics fields of lighting, photovoltaics, photonic integrated circuits, optical components, lasers, sensors, imaging, displays, optic fibers and other related technologies.

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