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STMicroelectronics Shows Latest chips for Smart Driving


Radar chips and SiC power semiconductors to feature at Automotive World 2018 in Tokyo

STMicroelectronics will exhibit its latest semiconductor solutions for smart driving at Automotive World 2018, Jan 17-19, 2018, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.

It will be showing a wide range of advanced sensing technologies and energy efficient power semiconductors.

These will include its SiGe transceiver ICs for long-range (77/81GHz) and short-range (24/26GHz) radar, designed for measuring the distance between automobiles or between automobiles and objects.

77GHz radar systems fit next-generation features like high-speed adaptive cruise control that require high power output, while 24GHz systems are ideal for blind-spot detection, collision avoidance, and lane-departure warning applications.

ST will also show its latest SiC-based automotive power semiconductors. It has developed a SiC power MOSFET, for instance, that is characterised by low power loss during switching (about quarter the loss compared with the current mainstream IGBTs), as well as operation across a wide temperature range.

ST will also highlight an automotive SiC diode with reverse recovery properties superior to those of silicon bipolar diodes. ST's SiC solution can be used in hybrid, electric, and other automotive systems, as well as in railway, industrial, and solar-power applications.

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