News Article

Integra announces GaN/SiC transistor


Fully-matched high - power GaN/SiC transistor offers 50W at 5 to 6 GHz

Integra Technologies, a US designer and supplier of high-power RF and microwave transistors and amplifiers, has released a fully-matched, GaN/SiC transistor, offering 50W at 5 to 6GHz.

Designed for pulsed C-Band Radar applications, the IGT5259L50 high-power GaN-on-SiC HEMT transistor is fully-matched to 50 Ohms and supplies 50W of peak pulsed output power at 50V drain bias.

This product covers the frequency range 5.2 to 5.9 GHz with instantaneous response, and features 14 dB of gain, and 43 percent efficiency at 1 millisecond/15 percent pulse conditions.

The device is housed in a RoHS-compatible metal/ceramic flange-mount package with gold metallization. It provides excellent thermal dissipation, and measures 20.32mm wide and 10.16mm in length.

It is 100 percent high-power RF tested in a 50 Ohms RF test fixture and meets all specifications of MIL-STD-750D. Internal assembly is done with a chip and wire approach by expert certified assemblers.

This 50W transistor is an ideal solution for C-band pulsed radar system designs that require immediate full power and high gain.

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