News Article

'Lab to Fab' Solutions take off


High volume semiconductor device manufacturers order more than 600 of Oxford Plasma Technology's process modules

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology has announced that it has delivered a record number of its 'Lab to Fab' process systems.

"We've shipped over 600 of our high technology process modules to leading production facilities. And with an increasing demand from the optoelectronics, power and other leading markets, our plasma process solutions are being utilised globally to achieve excellent device performance and throughput," said Paul Davies, the company's sales and marketing director.

Many of Oxford Instruments' customers are converting their cutting-edge research into commercially available devices. The key to success here, according to the company, is to transfer the excellent results achieved in development and pilot facilities, and repeat them every day, every month in the fabrication facility.

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology offers process tools and processes for engineering micro- and nano-structures. These solutions are based on plasma-enhanced deposition and etch, ion-beam deposition and etch, atomic layer deposition, deep silicon etch and physical vapour deposition.

Products range from compact stand-alone systems for R&D, through batch tools and up to clustered cassette-to-cassette platforms for high-throughput production processing.

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