News Article

Ultra Low Noise Amplifier Covers 2-6 GHz

GaAs LNA MMIC has broadband noise figure performance previously only achievable with discrete FET designs

Custom MMIC, a developer of performance driven monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), is offering a new GaAs Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) MMIC with broadband noise figure performance previously only achievable with discrete FET designs.

The CMD283C3, with 0.6dB noise figure, is the first in a family of new Ultra Low Noise Amplifiers.

The CMD283C3 LNA covers 2-6 GHz with high midband gain of 27 dB and output P1dB of 16dBm. The MMIC is housed in a leadless 3x3 mm surface mount package. It operates from a bias supply of +2 to +5 volts and draws a nominal 42mA.

The CMD283C3 is suitable for S and C band receivers requiring excellent sensitivity, and as a replacement for discrete FET LNA solutions.

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