News Article

Nichia settles LED patent dispute

Taiwanese firm Harvatek has paid Nichia damages concerning white LED products HT-V116TW, HT-U158TW, HT-T169TW and HT-P178TWU-PQPS-DG

In September 2010, Nichia started a patent infringement lawsuit in Germany against Taiwanese LED manufacturer Harvatek concerning Harvatek"˜s white LED products HT-V116TW, HT-U158TW, HT-T169TW and HT-P178TWU-PQPS-DG.

Nichia claimed that these products distributed in Germany infringed its YAG patent EP 0 936 682 (DE 697 02 929) and sought, among others, for permanent injunction and damages. As a consequence, the Duesseldorf District Court in the first instance with judgment of March 29, 2012 (docket number 4a O 184/10) and the Duesseldorf Court of Appeal in the second instance with judgment of January 20, 2017 (docket number I-2 U 41/12) found for infringement in Germany against Harvatek with final effect, and thus confirmed Nichia's claims.

Based on the final judgment, Nichia and Harvatek have now been able to terminate the legal dispute for Germany concerning the YAG patent of Nichia. Harvatek made a considerable payment to Nichia as solution for damage claims which took into account also further products of Harvatek in addition to these four particular LEDs.

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