News Article

Xcerra tool passes high temperature test

MT9510 XP pick and place handler proven as reliable solution for tri-temperature testing of LED devices in volume production

Xcerra's Test Handler Group has announced that the MT9510 XP pick-and-place handler has successfully passed the onsite buy-off for an automotive LED test application at a leading lighting manufacturer. The MT9510 XP solution enables the customer to test high volumes of LED devices with best temperature performance.

The Xcerra solution uses the exceptional temperature accuracy of the well-established MT9510 test handler to ensure full temperature control during test, while the LEDs are turned on and producing heat. In addition the MT9510 configuration accounts for the sensitive surface areas of the LEDs, which must not be touched while handling the device.

All dedicated hardware is integrated in the conversion kit and does not change the base handler, maintaining full flexibility and not impacting any loading, soaking, sorting or unloading core functions.

Syariffuddin A.Kamarudin, product manager, said: "Our solutions replace the previously applied hand test method, with obvious advantages in production volume and reliability. Reliability has been of highest importance for the customer, as the LEDs are used in the automotive industry."

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