News Article

Flipping the switch on optoelectronics

Graphene Flagship Partners at the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France) with associated members at the University of Mons and collaborators at Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Trento, combined photoswitchable molecular lattices with 2D materials to create new devices that show macroscopic responses to light
  1. Researchers within the EU Graphene Flagship have designed a molecule that can reversibly undergo chemical transformations when illuminated with ultraviolet and visible light.
  2. This molecule "“ a photoswitchable spiropyran "“ can be anchored to the surface of 2D materials such as MoS2 or graphene to generate an atomically precise hybrid superlattice. When illuminated, the whole supramolecular structure experiences a collective structural rearrangement, which could be directly visualised with a sub-nanometer resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy.

More importantly, this light-induced reorganisation at the molecular level induces large changes in the macroscopic electrical properties of the hybrid devices. The molecules, together with the layers of graphene and other 2D semiconductor materials, can convert single-molecule events into a spatially homogeneous switching action that generates a macroscopic electrical response.

"Thanks to this new approach, we can exploit the capacity of collective switching events occurring in superlattices of photochromic molecules assembled onto graphene and related materials to induce large scale and reversible modulation in the electrical properties of high-performance opto-electronic devices," explains Paolo Samorì, lead author of the paper. 'This technology could find applications in the next generation of smart and portable electronics, with programmable properties,' he adds.

Samorì also explains how this idea of tailoring molecular superlattices could generate a wide variety of new materials with tuneable and responsive properties. "Dial your functions! You only need to carefully choose the right molecules, the thus-formed superlattice will allow to maximise the change in properties as a response to external inputs," he says.

Vittorio Pellegrini, researcher at IIT and Division Leader for Energy, Composites, and Production at the Graphene Flagship, highlights how the research is "unique in the way it combines graphene and other related materials with light-responsive chemical molecules. These macroscopic arrangements are promising platforms for optoelectronics." Pellegrini points out the outstanding potential of these new findings: "the molecular ultra-thin coating can be tailored just by synthesising different molecules." Moreover, "this discovery will lead us to the development of devices, as the technique developed by Samorì and his team can be scaled up in reproducible manner," he added. Samorì agrees: 'The limit in the scalability is the accessibility to ultra-flat and atomically precise graphene and related materials."

These advances, made possible by the collaborative environment of the Graphene Flagship, could lead to promising applications in sensors, optoelectronics, and flexible devices. Researchers now dream of high-performance multifunctional hybrid devices under control of nature's most abundant and powerful source of energy "“ light.

Andrea C. Ferrari, Science and Technology Officer of the Graphene Flagship, and Chair of its management panel added: "Supra-molecular chemistry has been part of the Flagship research since the very beginning. Over the years our partners have improved and developed the techniques that enable to interface molecules with graphene and related materials. We are now witnessing a steady progress towards applications, as shown by this interesting work."

'Collective molecular switching in hybrid superlattices for light-modulated two-dimensional electronics' by Marco Gobbi et al; Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 2661 (2018)

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