News Article

Macom to Show optical range at ECOC 2018

PAM-4, silicon photonics and 64 GBaud solutions to feature at Rome exhibition

Macom has announced that it will show its PAM-4, silicon photonics and 64 GBaud products and solutions at ECOC 2018 in Rome, Italy, September 23rd "“ 27th.

These chips have been designed to provide differentiated performance, power, size and cost solutions for next-generation cloud data centres, 5G, Long Haul and Metro applications, according to the company.

Other devices on show will include: 10/25 Gbps-PON ONU/OLT; an analogue chipset for 2 km 200 Gbps (4x53 Gbps PAM-4) QSFP applications; 5G optical connectivity solutions; 100/200/400 Gbps data centre devices; and 64 GBaud driver and TIA components for Long Haul, Metro and DCI use.

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