News Article

Sofradir joins Photonics21 Board

Company to help raise awareness of infrared and thermal imaging within the European photonics sector

Sofradir, a French company specialising in infrared (IR) detectors for military, space, scientific and industrial applications, has been elected to the Board of Stakeholders (BoS) at Photonics21, the European Technology Platform (ETP) representing the European photonics community. The BoS is the main decision-making body of the platform. Sofradir's appointment is effective as of November 19, 2018.

As board member, Sofradir will support Photonics21 BoS' role in defining and prioritising the photonics research and innovation roadmaps to be proposed to the European Commission for funding. It will raise awareness of infrared and thermal imaging within the European photonics sector as well as their potential for application in a cross-section of industries.

Sofradir's representative, Patrick Abraham, private and public partnership manager at Sofradir, was one of 39 candidates elected. He brings close to 30 years' experience in a diverse range of photonics applications from fibre optics communication to infrared imaging and in forging strong relationships within the photonics R&D community in Europe. He has experience with H2020 and ECSEL collaborative projects and Private and Public Partnership (PPP) development. His skills include promoting and managing innovation as well as having a clear understanding of academic and industrial needs.

"Sofradir is proud of Patrick's selection to the Photonics21 Board of Stakeholders, where we have no doubt he'll make a significant contribution," said David-Billon Lanfrey, chief strategy officer at Sofradir. "Photonics is a key enabling technology across a wide range of industries. It is therefore essential that European players in the private and public sectors actively coordinate efforts on making the European photonics sector strong. Through this it will be capable of harnessing these innovations to bring viable solutions for addressing societal challenges, such as climate change, disease detection and efficient food production in Europe and beyond."

Abraham will act as an ambassador for infrared and thermal imaging by raising awareness of this technology within the European photonics community. Stakeholder board members are appointed for four years. Sofradir remains within Work Group 5 for Security, Metrology and Sensors, where it has been a member since 2014.

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