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Lumileds Launches LUXEON SunPlus 2835 Line for Maximising Crop Yield

Offered in eight colours, the LUXEON SunPlus 2835 Series LEDs enable faster plant growth and greater crop yield.

Lumileds have introduced the LUXEON SunPlus 2835 Line of LEDs, which provide colour options and high photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) needed to maximise plant growth rate and crop yield of a variety of plants and vegetables. Growers can select specific colour points or design a customised spectrum using LEDs specifically engineered for horticulture applications. The LED’s compact 2.8 x 3.5 mm footprint allows minimal spacing between plants and lighting so that higher crop yield can be realised in interweaving canopy or vertical farm applications. The LEDs are offered off-the-shelf or configured in the Lumileds Matrix Platform for faster time to market of lighting fixtures.

Growers can choose a specific colour point using LUXEON SunPlus 2835 Purple or Horticulture White LEDs, or design a spectrum using the LUXEON SunPlus 2835 Deep Red, Far Red, Lime and Royal Blue emitters. Horticulture White provides an ideal broad spectrum for growing many different crops. In tests, Horticulture White produced red leaf lettuce with significantly greater nutrient levels than RGB LEDs. LUXEON SunPlus Purple LEDs are made with a customised phosphor solution designed to provide the maximum PPF output in the Deep Red and Royal Blue range of the spectrum. “We are seeing great demand for Purple LEDs in vertical farms When the Purple LEDs are combined with Lime, a white colour point is achieved, enabling ease of visual inspection and harvest,” said Jennifer Holland, Product Line Director at Lumileds.

The LUXEON SunPlus 2835 Series LEDs aim to resolve an industry challenge by matching polarity across all of the colours in the product range as a means of simplifying the PCB layout and system design. Emitters are binned at 120 mA (25°C) but can be driven at up to 480 mA for greater lumen output and fewer LEDs per fixture. Lumileds is claimed to be the only supplier that bins all its horticultural LEDs by PPF.

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