News Article

KSA announces Increased Sales


27 percent increase in installations of kSA 400 analytical RHEED system

K-Space Associates (KSA), a developer of metrology tools for the thin-film, semiconductor, photovoltaic, solar, automotive, glass, and building materials industries, has announced increased annual sales for the kSA 400 product line. The company reported an increase of 27 percent in kSA 400 installations in 2018 for their kSA 400 analytical RHEED (Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction) system, compared to 2017.

“Our continued increase in system sales is supported by the continued increase in installations for higher pressure deposition technologies, an increase in sales to OEM partners for new deposition chambers, and customer upgrades motivated by our improved product offering and Windows 10 compatibility,” noted kSA technical sales manager, Carrie Andre. “Features such as triggering with substrate rotation are now more accessible to customers and offer the customer greater insight into the evolution of their RHEED pattern.”

The kSA 400 analytical RHEED system combines a high-resolution, high-speed, and high-sensitivity camera with sophisticated RHEED-specific acquisition and analysis software.

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