CST announces support for EPSRC scheme

"Academic and commercial collaborative partnerships, like the CDT PIADS, are central to the advancement of the photonics industry"
CST Global has announced its support for the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded Centre for Doctoral Training in particular its Photonic Integration and Advanced Data Storage (PIADS) cohort.
The CDT is a combined EPSRC and industry-funded, PhD training programme that runs in many UK universities and covers a wide range of subjects in numerous cohort groups. CST Global has been actively involved in the PIADS cohort, run jointly between Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Glasgow.
CDTs were introduced to help address a lack of industrial skills in PhD and EngD students. Each cohort funds fifty students for four years. Whilst undertaking research, students benefits from being taught consistent, technical, transferrable skills, which make them more valuable and employable by industry.
“Academic and commercial collaborative partnerships, like the CDT PIADS, are central to the advancement of the photonics industry,” explained Andrew McKee, technical director at CST Global (picture above). “PIADS has a specific focus on developing highly-manufacturable, photonic integration technologies for the magnetic storage of digital information. This is of huge relevance to markets as diverse as telecommunications and bio-photonics.
“The CDT gives us access to the best students in the world for live, research projects and a potential, specialist, post-graduate recruitment pool of exceptional staff.”
Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) are one of three main ways EPSRC provides support for Doctoral Training. The other ways are Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) and Industrial CASE Studentships.