News Article

Veeco delivers tool to Fraunhofer Institute


SPECTOR Ion Beam Sputtering system with Sirius Optical Monitor System will be used to develop micro-optical devices

Veeco Instruments has shipped its SPECTOR Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) system and the Sirius Optical Monitor System (OMS) to Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications.

Fraunhofer, based in Berlin, will use Veeco’s IBS technology to develop and produce laser facet coatings and other micro-optical devices.

“The development of sophisticated micro-optical devices requires exceptional sputtering technology,” said Greta Ropers, head of backend and packaging group for Fraunhofer. “Veeco’s SPECTOR system, coupled with the Sirius OMS, ensures we are developing and producing world-class devices with the highest throughput and process repeatability on an automated, proven platform.”

According to customers, the SPECTOR platform generates the highest quality optical thin films with improved levels of productivity and throughput. Unlike evaporative coatings, ion beam sputtered thin films are deposited at high energies, giving exceptional thickness control and low defect densities for laser coating applications. Veeco’s Sirius OMS significantly enhances the SPECTOR platform capability by coupling cutting edge broadband monitoring control with the inherent stability of ion beam deposited films.

“Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications is a recognised worldwide leader in developing next generation laser facet coatings and micro-optical devices,” said Adrian Devasahayam, vice president and general manager of Veeco’s Advanced Deposition and Etch (AD&E) business. “The SPECTOR system sets the standard for precision optical coating thin films by providing unparalleled quality and flexibility that will no doubt accelerate their development goals.”

Funding for this project was granted by Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik, a cross-location research factory for microelectronics and nanoelectronics compromised of eleven institutes within the Fraunhofer Group along with the IHP GmbH - Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik.

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