News Article

Broadex to buy Kaiam Livingston site


Chinese optical module firm to secure 20 jobs with the possibility of future expansion.

Following news in December 2018 that Kaiam, a maker of 100G+ transceivers, had made 310 of 338 employees redundant at its site in Livingston, Scotland, the company is being sold to the Chinese firm Broadex, a supplier of optical modules.
A report on the BBC news site said that under the deal Broadex will acquire the Livingston site, securing 20 jobs with the possibility of future expansion.
The two companies have already been working together. Last May, Kaiam and Broadex signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for furthering cooperation on volume production of QSFP28 100G-CWDM4 transceivers based on Kaiam’s innovative LightScale2 platform. The agreement allowed Broadex to manufacture these units in China and directly address Chinese customers who require local production.
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