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Nanosys CEO to Open Quantum Dot Forum


Keynote address will discuss rapid growth of QD technology in displays and beyond

Jason Hartlove, CEO of quantum dot company Nanosys will present the keynote speech at the Smither’s Apex 2019 Quantum Dots Forum to take place on March 20-21 in La Jolla, San Diego, California. In his keynote address, Hartlove will discuss the rapid growth of quantum dot technology in displays and beyond.

“Over the last five years, Quantum Dot technology has made incredible progress, from an unproven but promising lab scale material to one that is incorporated in millions of high-performance displays,” said Hartlove. “With the technology platform we now have in place, we are poised to see the development of Quantum Dot technology in a wide new array of applications, from enhanced LED lighting and sensors to solar energy and medical applications.”

Today, over 10 million display products using Nanosys materials and technology have shipped as the market continues to grow. According to Bob O'Brien, co-founder and president of market research firm DSCC (Display Supply Chain Consultants) “Quantum Dot LCD TVs are projected to out-sell those using rival White-OLED technology for the next five years. Additional demand for Quantum Dots will come from Quantum Dot OLED TVs.” O’Brien will also present DSCC's forecast at the QD Forum.

Hartlove will also join executives from GE, Osram and Univeral Display in a panel session entitled 'Future Use Cases and Next Generation Phosphors and Quantum Dots.' The panel, moderated by Jonny Steckel lead Technologist of Apple, will discuss the future of Phosphors and Quantum Dots.

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