News Article

Riber research order from the Middle East


Compact 21 MBE machine will be used for researching 2D semiconductors

French MBE firm Riber has announced an order for a research MBE machine in the Middle East.

The new client has ordered a Compact 21 MBE machine to further strengthen its research capabilities for emerging semiconductor materials (2D materials and oxides).

The Compact 21 machine has been chosen for its excellent performance levels and outstanding flexibility, enabling it to adapt to the most complex research needs. The portfolio of Riber components was also a factor behind the client’s selection of Riber's technology.

In addition to demonstrating the commercial success of the Compact 21 range, the world’s most widely sold research MBE system, this order highlights Riber’s capacity for development in new high-growth geographical markets, says the company.

The order will be delivered in 2020.

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