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Fil-Tech announces new crystal changer

Holds six crystals to rotate new crystal into position for uninterrupted deposition monitoring

Fil-Tech has announced a new QI6100 quartz crystal 6 changer that holds 6 crystals to rotate a new crystal into position for uninterrupted deposition monitoring. The product can be supplied as a flat or 45° angle head, and operates to 350oC with efficient cooling.

The company manufactures a wide range line of crystals in 6MHz and 5MHz sizes coated in Gold, Longer Life Gold or Stress Relieving Alloy and Extreme Temperature Crystals that operate to 200oC, to measure deposited thin films. Manufacturing single and dual sensor heads and feedthroughs, Fil-Tech can also custom manufacture hardware for its clients.

Fil-Tech supplies a complete line of electron beam gun parts for Temescal and Telemark guns as well as replacement parts for Veeco Commonwealth Mark I and II plus Ion Tech, and Satisloh ion sources. Fil-Tech also offers vacuum measurement gauges including Bayard Alpert and nude ionisation gauges, thermocouple gauges, and convection gauges.

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