News Article

Purple Power for Horticulture Lighting


New LED combines two key wavelengths for plant growth in a single package

The benefits of LED-based horticulture lighting solutions have triggered a growing demand for solutions catering to both professional as well as consumer applications. Osram Opto Semiconductors' new Duris S5 purple combines key wavelengths of red and blue into a single purple LED which makes horticulture applications more cost effective than ever, according to the company.

Designers of professional horticulture lighting systems often prefer multi-channel solutions with a combination of LEDs to be able to adapt and optimise the light output for different stages of the plant’s life cycle, including seedlings, germination, vegetative growth and flowering. For consumer lighting systems cost and ease of implementation are key factors system developers are focusing on when selecting their components.

By combining two of the most important wavelengths (450 and 660 nm) for plant growth in a single package, the Duris S5 purple provides a particularly cost-effective solution for cost sensitive applications, says the company. The LED is available in 0.3 and 1.0 watt and suited for horticulture lighting systems in indoor consumer applications.

The solution uses an innovative phosphor spectrum for high photosynthetic photon Flux (PPF), professional grade materials, such as a high quality epoxy lead-frame, Osram’s sapphire chip as well as robust silicone and has been qualified by extensive stress test. The Duris S5 purple can also be mixed with the Duris S5 lime to produce high quality white light – good for harvesting and visual inspection.

Osram Opto Semiconductors also offers a new full spectrum white Duris in various voltage options with a higher proportion of hyper red and far red compared to standard white LEDs.

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