News Article

Disco to expand Nagano factory


Company to invest around $156M in new seismically isolated building

Disco Corporation, a Japanese maker of semiconductor equipment, is investing around $156M (JPY 17.5 billion) to construct a new seismically isolated building at Nagano Works Chino Plant (Chino City, Nagano).

With the introduction 5G communication systems accelerating, the semiconductor and electrical components markets, including the development of IoT, self driving systems, and remote medical technology, are expected to expand. The demand for Disco’s precision processing equipment and tools is also expected to increase accordingly.

In response to the expected growth of these markets, Disco is expanding Kuwabata Plant (Kure City, Hiroshima). However, it was determined that further enhancement of the production system will be required.

In addition, most of the precision processing equipment and tools are currently produced in Kure and Kuwabata Plants, which are located in Hiroshima. Seismically isolated structures have been adopted in the buildings at both plants, and construction to ensure an independent water source has been conducted to protect against future water outages. However, the distance between the two plants is only about 10 km. Therefore, in order to prevent a situation where both plants cannot function should a disaster affect the entire area, resources must be divided further.

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