News Article

CST Global forum success


'Laser arrays, LiDar and LiFi technology' forum gathers collected expertise of 70 attendees

CST Global has announced that its second T@CST forum, focused on the commercialisation of ‘Laser arrays, LiDar and LiFi technology’, was a resounding success.

The event was held at the University of the West of Scotland facility in Hamilton, Glasgow, on 16th May 2019, close by CST Global’s production facility. Over seventy invited guests, including academics, engineers, industrialists, politicians, funding organisations and the press, were present.

Euan Livingston, VP sales and marketing at CST Global, said: “The collective expertise of the T@CST guests helped to establish the most critical, enabling factors necessary for continued commercialisation of Laser arrays, LiDar and LiFi technologies. These constitute some of the fastest growing technology sectors within the photonics and III-V compound semiconductor markets. They are driven by rapidly-expanding, real-life applications in autonomous vehicles, transportation, atomic clocks, data comms and sensing.”

Guest speakers included Jim Haynes of Rockley Photonics who looked at production factors; Alastair McInroy of Technology Scotland who considered mobility strategies; Chris Tate of Pure LiFi who summarised LiFi technology and its applications; Ole Kock (pictured above) of Teledyne e2v who looked at the commercial considerations of producing compact atomic clocks; and Mark Western of Scottish Enterprise who covered funding in the sector.

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