News Article

Wolfspeed Webinar on SiC Design Tips and Tricks


Wolfspeed's Dave Skinner and Silicon Semiconductor's Mark Andrews to present tips on power supply design on 19 June 2019

Dave Skinner, senior product marketing manager for industrial power at Wolfspeed and Mark Andrews technical editor of Silicon Semiconductor magazine will be holding a webinar on 19 June 2019 -2pm Eastern (EDT) - 11am Pacific (PDT) on SiC Design Tips and Tricks.

Upgrading a power supply design from silicon to SiC can appear daunting due to the different gate drive requirements and considerations of EMI suppression and thermal properties. But in reality, you have the same design considerations as with any power supply.

In this webinar, Skinner will share tips to accelerate the design process, including what to expect when measuring performance; how to choose the right SiC device and surrounding components, and finally, PCB layout recommendations.

This webinar will focus on: SiC advantages in power supply designs; Common misconceptions and benefits; Means to shorten time-to-market; Design resources; and Performance testing highlights and advice.

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