News Article

Riber Order book stays high


Systems and services revenue growth are partially offsetting limited contribution by evaporators

French semiconductor equipment company Riber has reported that its revenues for the first half of 2019 were €13.9m, down 17 percent from the first half of 2018, due to the strong cyclical decline in evaporator sales.

Half-year revenues for MBE systems climbed to €8.6m, versus €3.7m for the first half of 2018, up +132 percent, reflecting this activity’s robust development. Four production machines were delivered during the half-year period, compared with one production machine and three research machines in the first half of 2018.

For evaporators, half-year revenues totalled €1m, compared with €10.4m over the same period in 2018. This sharp decline is linked to the freeze on investments in OLED screen production equipment following the major investments made in previous years.

Half-year revenues for services and accessories came to €4.3m, compared with €2.6m for the first half of 2018, up +65 percent in line with the development strategy for this strong contributive business.

At June 30, 2019, the breakdown of Riber's revenues was as follows: 56 percent in Europe, 22 percent in Asia and 22 percent in the US.

The order book at June 30, 2019 is still high. It confirms the solid development of the MBE business, with a €21.5m systems order book, consistent with the previous year (€22.2m) and including 13 systems with six production units, while the services and accessories order book is still at a satisfactory level at €6.9m.

Outlook for 2019

Considering the good level of the order book, including a large number of machines to be delivered in 2019, Riber is forecasting growth in its full-year revenues compared with the previous year.

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