News Article

Macom shows Open Eye MSA Compliant Chipset


Chipset enables 200G QSFP modules for Cloud data centre links

Macom has announced a live demonstration at CIOE2019 (Shenzen, China 4th to 9th Sept) of a complete 200G optical module solution designed in collaboration with an optical manufacturer, using Macom’s Open Eye MSA compliant analogue chipset.

The chipset is optimised for volume-scale deployment in high-density Cloud data centre links.

Targeted for faster, power efficient and lower cost optical interconnects, the chipset aims to provide a clear pathway to 200G throughput speeds using industry analogue components. Macom’s analogue transmit and receive chipset is comprised of the MAOM-38053 four-channel transmit CDR with integrated laser driver and, on the receive side, features Macom BSP56B photodetectors, a MATA-03819 quad TIA and the MASC-38040 four-channel receive CDR.

Macom says it is applying its expertise in 25Gbps and 100Gbps solutions to 50Gbps PAM-4 applications (and specifically to 200G QSFP and 2 x 200G OSFP/QSFP-DD modules) to bring the benefits of low power and low latency solutions and DSP architectures, to Cloud data centres.

Macom’s chipset is sampling to customers and can be used for both single mode and multimode fibre applications.

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